Online Guitar Lessons

How to Find the Best Online Guitar Lessons

jamplay_vs_guitartricksThe Internet is heaven-sent for guitarists. Aspiring guitarists can search for online guitar lessons covering chords, chord progressions, guitar improvisation, and even tabs for guitar solos. Many musicians have created YouTube channels for those interested in learning guitar techniques, yet, there are still guitarists who have problems learning. Most of these novice guitarists have no idea where to start.

Some guitarists are confused with the lessons they find on the Internet because most videos are targeted at specific questions. These lessons sometimes assume that the guitarist is already familiar with related lessons, resulting in confusion to some. Others teach the theory, but the application is taught in another video that the guitarist has to find.

Search engines can only show links to specific guitar lessons that the guitarist want to learn. It requires that correct keywords be entered in order to show accurate results. Unfortunately, beginner guitarists do not know what they need to learn first. What happens is an unstructured learning wherein guitarists try to search for bits and pieces of lessons they think they need to study.

They do not fully understand the concepts taught because students jump from one lesson to another, missing fundamentals that could have helped them. They memorize the pentatonic scale in the key of C from a video, but they have no idea how to play the scale in a different key. They know the guitar scales, but are unable to use it to improvise guitar solos. They know how to improvise, but their idea of improvisation is playing all the notes up and down a box.

Guitarists who share these challenges are better served by guitar lessons online that are organized and easy to follow, not just a collection of tutorials with no clear lesson plan. Lessons should be laid out like a book with defined chapters, building up the skills from previous lessons to the next. Guitar lessons should be like traveling by car, following the path through towns and gaining experience along the way. It should not be like an airplane ride where the destination is reached without appreciating the beautiful scenery in between.

What are the things to look for when searching for a site offering online guitar tutorials? Here are a few questions to ask when looking for one.

Does it come with a free trial?

Not all paid sites are the same. A free trial will allow the student to feel if the lessons are easy to follow and understand. Access to free online guitar lessons will give the student an idea of how the lesson can help or otherwise.

Are the lessons organized?

A good online website for guitar lessons will not treat the students as if they are on the same level of skills. It will provide guided lessons based on the level of the guitarist. Beginner guitarists will be taught not just playing techniques, but guitar fundamentals as well. Self-taught guitarists will be guided through the lessons to ensure that gaps caused by learning random lessons are filled.

Does it cover a variety of music genre?

Not all guitarists like to play blues. Not everyone plays metal. Guitarists want to learn techniques that are related to their choice of genre. A good site will provide lessons based on the guitarists’ preferred music type.
Does it teach how to play specific songs?

Anyone can download tabs for songs they want to learn. However, not everybody has the skill to understand how to play downloaded tabs without guidance. A website that provides videos of how to play specific songs is good.
Does it have lessons on selected artists’ playing style?

Guitarists typically want to copy the playing style of their favorite artist. Sites that provide lessons on particular artists’ playing style, not random artists’ techniques, can help the student play like their idol.

Are there live lessons?

Nothing beats live lessons where students can ask questions from the teacher. An option to get help from professional guitar instructors is definitely a plus.
Does it host a guitarists’ community?

Sure, there are countless guitar forums on the Internet. However, most are dominated by guitar geeks. A community of guitar newbies is a welcome alternative.

Is there a comprehensive library of chords?

A site that teaches all the chords using chord charts, tabs, and pictures will facilitate learning of new guitarists.

Does it teach all popular scales?

A good site does not just show the guitar scales, but teaches it in a way that is easily understood by beginner guitarists. It should come with accompanying videos demonstrating the different scale shapes so that students will know what to do with the scales. Videos should also explain how to apply the scale to improvising guitar solos.
Does the site provide its own backing tracks?

Backing tracks are required to practice guitar scales and improvisation techniques, especially for those who are studying alone. However, it is not easy to look for backing tracks for specific keys and genre. A site that has an extensive library of professionally recorded backing tracks is recommendable for guitarists that are serious in learning lead guitar.

Is there a lick and riff library?

Guitarists learn by copying popular licks and riffs, then changing some notes to create their own. While video streaming sites offer these, a site that lets the guitarist select the desired genre is much more helpful.

Does it come with a mobile app?

Online guitar lessons that are accessible using mobile phones are a great help for would-be guitarists. Mobile phones are more portable than PCs and laptops, and having access to chord charts, exercise libraries, scale libraries, and backing tracks anywhere is an advantage.

Does it come with a money back guarantee?

At the end of the day, the reason guitarists take online lessons is to learn how to play. The site failed if a student did not feel any improvement after taking the lessons. Offering unconditional refunds for unsatisfied students shows that the site believes that it can make a difference.