Mastering Guitar Scales

learn guitar scalesAside from the vocalist, the lead guitarist is the most popular member of a band. It is no wonder that kids want to learn how to play lead guitar even before they can master rhythm guitars. To the beginner, it is a wonder how guitarists can create great solos with ease. Looking for easy guitar solos to learn can help the guitarist play popular solos, but it does not teach the student how to improvise.

Those who search for answers discover that the secret weapon of lead guitarists is mastering the scales. This is why aspiring lead guitarists are interested on how to learn guitar scales. However, learning scales on guitar is not the only skill needed by prospective lead guitarists. Here is a basic guide on what to practice.

Learning Scales

Ideally, playing guitar solos would mean complete control of the four fingers of the left hand, if right-handed. The pointing, middle, ring, and pinky fingers should be able to move independently of each other. Learning scales on guitar would be challenging if the guitarist have problems controlling these fingers. Luckily, finger exercises are available and can be used to train these stiff little fingers. Check out videos demonstrating these exercises. It would help if a metronome were used while practicing these exercises.

Another essential to learning scales on guitar are basic playing techniques. Guitarists new to guitar improvisation tend to play the scales up and down the fretboard, resulting in a boring melody. Applying basic techniques on selected notes can help liven up the tune. Instead of hitting two consecutive notes, guitarists can hammer on the second note or slide to the next note. When going down to the next note, a pull off can be made to make it more interesting.

When hitting three consecutive notes, a bend can be applied on the second note to make it match the third note. Long and short vibratos can also be applied on certain parts of a guitar solo. Knowing basic playing techniques is necessary for guitarists learning scales on guitar. To practice these techniques, choose four consecutive notes on the guitar to play an idea, changing it a bit by applying these playing techniques. Forcing the guitarist to play using only four notes encourage creative solos, instead of just playing the scales with random notes.

Types of Scales

What scale needs to be learned by the beginner lead guitarist? The major scale is the mother of all scales. It has seven notes C-D-E-F-G-A-B that can be used to play most modern music. However, some students may be confused with too many notes. A simpler alternative for starters, but powerful nonetheless is the pentatonic scale. As the name suggests, it is composed of only five notes, with the notes F and B excluded in the pentatonic scale. While it contains lesser notes, the pentatonic scale is widely used in blues and rock music, and is the scale of choice for beginners who are serious in learning scales on guitar. For ballads, however, the major scale may be more suitable. Look for easy guitar solos to learn. It is possible that the major or pentatonic scale was used for the solo.

When searching for online guitar lessons, look for sites that offer a comprehensive collection of guitar scales in any key. Sites with instructions on how to play the scales, along with music theories are recommended. Watching video examples on how to learn guitar scales is much better than reading long paragraphs of explanations. It would also aid the student if famous solos that use scales being learned were shown as actual examples.

So as not to intimidate the beginner, scales are grouped into five forms or shapes and are typically numbered for easy reference. These shapes can be moved left or right across the fretboard to match the current key being played. The position of these shapes cannot be interchanged. Shape #1 is always followed by scale shape #2 and so on. It also wraps around. Shape #5 is followed by scale shape #1. Memorize these guitar shapes. Once these are mastered, the guitarist is free to jump across these shapes.

Another important aspect of guitar solos is phrasing. Try listening to popular guitar solos. Just like singing, notes are not played continuously from start to finish. Singers need to breathe, and so do guitar solos. Imagine listening to a speaker who is reading a paragraph with periods, commas, and semicolons. It is easier to follow compared to paragraphs without punctuation. The same principle applies to guitar solos. Use pause, bends, or vibratos to break up long parts.

Playing Fast

Playing fast licks looks amazing, but these may become boring if played from start to finish. Reserve them for fillers between phrases or as highlights near the end of guitar solos. Think dynamics. There should be soft and loud parts. There should be slow and fast licks. These simple ideas can make guitar solos more interesting and easier to remember. Licks that linger in the mind long after it is heard tend to be remembered. Listen to hit songs. Chances are they have good phrasing. Each song is not a collection of the most complex licks, but a theme that revolves around a single idea.

How does one practice working on a single idea? Find easy guitar solos to learn. Choose a nice lick. Play that lick exactly as heard. Change a note or two. Add a few notes, but always return to the basic notes. Experiment with the playing techniques. Change the order of notes. Do not make the solo too complex, except for a few selected parts. Do all these, but retain the idea of the original lick.

Find sites that offer backing tracks on any key. Backing tracks allow solo guitarists to practice without a band. A matching smartphone app that offers backing tracks is also an invaluable practice tool for guitarists.

Live Instruction

Live guitar instructors are excellent, even if only online. Questions on the current lesson may be posted, answered, and further explained. Join communities targeted to guitar newbies. Its members can be more helpful compared to forums with guitar gods who may not have the patience for members asking the same newbie questions.